Chicken Meatballs with Boiled Chicken, Couscous, and Spinach

What to do with chicken from broth and boiled vegetables?! As you already know, the chicken used for broth (not quite young 🙈😁) is usually very tough, but the broth made from it is simply unique. Well, throwing it away is not an option now. We have a lot of holidays this week, and the whole family is at home. So, quick and easy meals are a must. Today, I’ll tell you how I solved the chicken problem and prepared a quick lunch!

You will need:

  • Chicken
  • Boiled carrots and celery (you can use the ones used for the broth, depending on the vegetables you prefer and your taste)
  • Couscous (I used the quick-cooking variety)
  • Egg
  • Spinach (you can also use grated raw zucchini, just remove excess liquid)
  • Salt and pepper
  • Cheese (in my case, grated Parmesan)
  1. Blend all the ingredients well. I use a blender for this process.
  2. Shape small patties, coat them with breadcrumbs, and fry them over medium heat. I use vegetable oil for frying (I prefer corn oil). Place the patties on a plate lined with either paper towels or kitchen paper to remove excess oil after frying. You can opt for baking them in the oven as a healthier alternative!
  3. In my case, I served the patties with a salad made from fresh vegetables and homemade bread!
  4. For a vegetarian option, you can replace the meat with lentils. You can also add parsley and other aromatic herbs to enhance the flavor. If you like garlic and onions, feel free to add them according to your taste. I personally enjoy adding lemon zest for a fresh touch.

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Egg Pasteurization

Egg Pasteurization

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Meatballs made from boiled meat.

Meatballs made from boiled meat.

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